Hello Brother Knights of council #9528 this is a report on progress of the website, and its general intentions. This is also a request for content.
As of right now you are reading this on the website so it is up and running and completed up to what is visible. I do welcome all suggestions for sections and pages, and encourage if you think something can be changed to make the website appear better or correct grammar or spelling mistakes to contact me at the email address below
The basic spirit of intention of having this website and the social media platforms is to not only advertise our works and how our works support the faith community in hopes of attracting new members, increased participation from our current membership and draw more people into our fundraising efforts.
How does posting content on a regular basis help the website and the council you may ask ? Search engines rank websites for searches based on several data points one of them being activity and content. A static or unchanging website is put below more active websites and further down the list. If you are searching for something on google are you going to pick the 1st business or the 100th ?
I welcome all faith and knights related content to post and or media and pictures I will credit contributors in the post
Please email them to webmaster@kofc9528.org
Thanks in advance
Vivat Jesus
Jonathon Gordon
Webmaster St Vincent DePaul Council 9528